Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Pilot Pledge

Pilot Pledge

In appreciation of the honor and benefits to be derived by me from membership in the

Pilot Club of Junction Ctiy, I HEREBY PLEDGE my loyal support to this Club and to Pilot International and do promise to be governed by the rules and regulations embodied in their bylaws:

To faithfully uphold the ideals and principles set forth in its Code of Ethics;

To willingly serve in any capacity for the best interests of the Club, to help and not hinder;

To be honest, generous, kind and just;

To be slow of criticism and quick with praise;

To create a thorough understanding and develop friendship with my fellow members;

To be loyal to Pilot in thought, word and deed.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Welcome to the Official Blog of the Pilot Club of Junction City, Kansas.

Our current President, Sue Penn has encouraged our membership to consider other ways to share our mission to our community and beyond. As the club photographer, I take a whole lot of pictures that are rarely seen by anyone but me, so I decided to embrace the technology and build us a blog. Now we have a place to share what's happening with other clubs as well as a place to check out the pictures of what we have accomplished.

In Friendship and Service,
Patty :)